Shoulder tendonitis is a condition that occurs when the tendons, which connect muscles to bones in the shoulder area, become inflamed or irritated. This condition can cause severe pain and difficulty in shoulder movement.

The causes of shoulder tendonitis are as follows.
Age: Tendons weaken and lose their flexibility with aging.
Lack of physical activity: Increases the risk of joint stiffness and rigidity.
Sudden movements: Sudden or forceful movements can strain or tear the tendons, especially in certain sports like tennis or swimming.
Bad daily habits: Such as sleeping or moving incorrectly, lifting heavy loads improperly, or sudden exposure to cold drafts.
The causes of shoulder tendonitis include the following:
The causes of shoulder tendonitis include the following:
- Aging: Tendons weaken and lose their flexibility with age.
- Lack of physical activity: This increases the risk of joint stiffness and rigidity.
- Sudden movements: Sudden or forceful motions can strain or tear tendons, especially in sports like tennis or swimming.
- Poor daily habits: Such as sleeping or moving incorrectly, lifting heavy weights improperly, or sudden exposure to cold air.
The symptoms of shoulder tendonitis include the following:
Shoulder pain: It increases with movement or pressure on the affected area and may radiate to the chest or back.
Swelling in the shoulder: You may notice swelling, redness, or warmth in the affected area.
Difficulty carrying or lifting objects: This causes severe pain and limitations in shoulder movement.
Shoulder joint stiffness: This is an advanced stage of shoulder tendonitis, where it becomes difficult to move the arm naturally, and it may be referred to as a frozen shoulder.
Cracking sound when moving the arm: This is caused by friction between the tendons and the bones.
In addition, some home remedies can be followed to prevent and alleviate shoulder tendonitis, such as:
Rest the affected area and avoid movements that increase the pain.
Apply cold compresses to the shoulder for 15 minutes every two to three hours.
Elevate the affected shoulder on a pillow while sleeping to improve circulation.
Perform some simple exercises to move the shoulder regularly and prevent stiffness.
Consult a doctor if the condition does not improve after a week of symptoms.