Author name: Omar Habash

Aorta and neuromuscular inflammation

L’aorte est l’artère principale du corps qui transporte le sang oxygéné du cœur vers les autres organes. Elle peut être affectée par plusieurs problèmes, tels que : Anévrisme de l’aorte (Aortic aneurysm) : Une dilatation anormale d’une partie de la paroi de l’aorte, augmentant le risque de rupture et d’hémorragie interne grave. L’anévrisme peut survenir […]

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Paralysis of the facial nerve (seventh nerve)​

Facial Nerve Paralysis (Seventh Nerve) Facial nerve paralysis (seventh nerve) is a condition that causes weakness or temporary paralysis of the facial muscles, occurring due to inflammation, swelling, or external pressure on the seventh cranial nerve, which controls the facial muscles. This condition causes drooping or stiffness on one side of the face, and the

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Elbow and wrist tendonitis: How to avoid and treat it?

Tendonitis is a common condition that affects the fibrous bands that connect muscles to bones in various parts of the body. It occurs when these bands become swollen or irritated due to injury, infection, or overuse. Tendonitis can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected area. Tendonitis of the elbow and wrist is among

Elbow and wrist tendonitis: How to avoid and treat it? Read More »

Knee Osteoarthritis: Its Causes and Its Relationship with Osteoporosis

  The knees are among the most used and stressed joints in the human body, as they bear the weight of the body and assist in movement, walking, running, and jumping. Therefore, the knees are prone to some diseases and problems that affect their health and function. Among the most prominent of these problems are

Knee Osteoarthritis: Its Causes and Its Relationship with Osteoporosis Read More »

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